2019 STRATEGIC PLAN (Club approved 3/28/19)
The Rotary Club of West Bay (Camden) is a community leader that effects positive changes through service – locally and internationally.
Dynamic, inclusive service club of choice providing outstanding leadership
and lasting contributions.
Description of Club in 2021
Characteristic Associated with Club in 2021
Dynamic; enthusiastic; dedication; fun; diverse; transparent; generous; caring; growing; ethical; disciplined; inclusive; proactive; hands-on; successful; committed members; consistent; friendly; engaged; high performing
Reflective of the active and retired business community at large; proactively recruiting new members
Attention given to fellowship and supporting all members; Active engagement by all members in recruiting, retaining and mentoring new members; overall club size about 85 active members
Community Service
More hands-on projects; More equitable and realistic engagement of everyone in fundraising efforts; Focus on needs that are important to the community; Have club members with energy, commitment and excitement working together to support these causes
International Service
All club members have a better understanding of what we are doing in international and its impact; focus on sustainable international projects
Vocational Service
All club members understand this avenue of service;
Youth Services
Increase awareness of Rotary with our youth in our community; continue to find meaningful ways to support youth; active support of Interact
RI Foundation
Continue to be a leader in Foundation giving (e.g., Every Rotarian every Year; Major gifts)
Public Image
Respected; known and appreciated for our contributions in the name of “service above self”
The board of West Bay Rotary is responsible for oversight and delegation of tasks associated with completion of the five strategic priorities over the next three years.
1. Support and Strengthen Club Membership
- Develop a recruitment and retention work plan each year with specific goals and objectives and focus toward outreach and engagement with young professionals and other prospective members.
- Increase and diversify fellowship opportunities to involve more members.
- Develop service opportunities that allow members to get actively involved.
- Enhance club education via return of “Rotary Minute” to weekly meeting.
2. Fine-Tune our Fundraising Events
- To continue to strengthen our core fund raising including timing of events.
- Develop a strategy that will increase participation by members in events – promoting fellowship while sharing workload.
- Review how events are structured.
3. Enhance our Rotary Foundation efforts
- Increase frequency of creative information presentations re: The Rotary Foundation Programs and Awards to educate members.
- Define and implement club process for grant submissions and monitoring.
- Promote WBR club foundation.
4. Improve Governance Structure and Processes
- Develop job descriptions for all Committee and Board positions. Use existing WBR Organizational Structure document and RI guides as a starting point.
- Establish a comprehensive and consistent succession planning and training process for all committee & event chairs.
- Clarify Board membership for purpose of voting.
- Establish Meeting Program Plan for Future (every member needs to become more involved in identifying speakers).
5. Strengthen Community Service efforts
- Conduct an annual review of community needs.
- Solicit member involvement in project recommendations (especially non-construction projects) & identify methods to increase membership involvement.
- Define, document and educate membership on WBR grant program.
- A strategic planning monitoring committee comprised of current President (who will Chair), Secretary, Treasurer and up to 3 past presidents, meets at least twice during Rotary year to monitor status of the strategic plan initiatives and progress is reported out at club assemblies.
- Every three years the Board convenes a strategic planning committee (chaired by the president elect) to update the plan for the next three years.