West Bay Rotary club meeting
September 4, 2014
Troy Curtis – PenBay YMCA Executive Director
Tony gave a talk on how PenBay YMCA is working to expand to have a Rockland Harbor Branch of the YMCA.
One of the main reasons was to better serve southern Knox County.  The PenBay YMCA mostly serves the Camden/Rockport area.  A needs assessment and gap analysis was done suggesting that expansion would be worthwhile.
Needs Assessment Findings:
  • Area is lacking child care services – only one child care provider presently in Rockland and there is no after-school programing for school aged children.
  • There is a need for Health and Wellness Services in southern Knox County
Future Location:  12 Water Street, Rockland (former Amalfi Restaurant)
Projected Opening Date:  November, 2014
Services:         Fitness/Wellness
                        Child Care Services, Infant and Preschool
                        After School Programming
Goal #1:  Provide increased Child care for infants, preschool and school aged for after
school Care:   35 spots for child care and 48 spots after-school care. 
Goal #2:  Health and fitness services
Goal #3:  Financial Solvency
            Square footage – only 8200 sq ft
            Child care and fitness only, no pool
            Community Perception – My YMCA?
            Financial Capacity of Potential Members – Medium income
            Attracting New Families to Child Care Center
What could the presence of a Rockland Branch YMCA do?
            Increase productivity among business community.
            Create a healthier community
            Increase kindergarten readiness
            Enhance Property Values
            Increase YMCA community impact
Buckets on the Table:  for Connections – YMCA Parent/Child program for team building,
communications, cooking and play.  Free to anyone in the community.
Rotary Information:  Sarah Ruef-Lindquist
Sarah talked about Rotaract –  Rotaract brings together people ages 18-30 in universities and communities worldwide to organize service activities, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun. Rotary clubs sponsor them, but Rotaract members manage and fund their clubs independently. Rotaract members work closely with their local Rotary club, and may join after their Rotaract membership ends.
Rotaract recently announced the winners of their communities around the world completion.  To see a description of the winner’s projects go to:   https://www.rotary.org/en/rotaract-award-winners-celebrated-their-life-changing-projects
Roberta Walker:  Asked if there are some couples interested in going on an International Rotary Exchange.  This is a reciprocal exchange.  May be a 2-4 week long exchange: This is still in development.  If interested, contact Roberta to be part of the conversation to make this happen.
October 18, 2014 – Rotary Leadership Institute in Auburn – If interested, see Tim Dresser or Sandy Cox
Polio Walk is October 25, 2014.
Reminder - Road Rally and Cook out on September 13, 2014.  To compete in the Road Rally call Barbara Heard.
Next week’s speaker:  District Governor, Norman Angell
Board Meeting Next Wednesday night, 5pm at the Lord Camden Inn with the District Governor.
Chowder Challenge, 2014 – netted $3200 to $3500.  Big Success!  Thank you to everyone who participated.
Sztender, Hungary Duck Derby 2014 youtube link and photo.